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6 min readNov 24, 2020


So, what is Bootstrap? For those who work in web development, Bootstrap is not a new term. Bootstrap is one of the most popular web development frameworks out there, and it is used for developing highly-responsive projects in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Essentially, what Bootstrap does is reduce the time needed to get a modern website up and running.

A Primer on Bootstrap

Before anything else, you need to master the basics of using Bootstrap. If you take a look at the official Bootstrap website you will see that Bootstrap is described as an HTML, CSS, and JS framework which is used to develop mobile-first, responsive projects. It’s important to add that Bootstrap is an open-source tool that helps thousands of people create prototypes of their projects or build apps from start to finish using design time-savers like Sass variables included in Bootstrap’s built-in tools. It comes equipped with a grid system, pre-built components, and plugins that are built with jQuery to fit any project.

Simply put, Bootstrap is a wide array of tools that rely on re-usable code so that you don’t have to develop the building blocks of a website from scratch. To build websites that are as responsible as possible, Bootstrap makes the process easier by letting users utilize it as a front-end development framework. Even if you just want to create a simple layout, Bootstrap can help. By using a framework like Bootstrap, you will know for sure that your design is consistent, and no cross-browser issues will be encountered.

To begin with, the files you should know about include:

bootstrap.css — CSS framework

bootstrap.js –JavaScript/jQuery framework

glyphicons –Icon font set

What Bootstrap does differently compared to other frameworks is that it uses jQuery extensively. Without jQuery, cross-browser compatibility wouldn’t be possible, and JavaScript would be overly complicated. The Bootstrap package contains all the tools that a developer would need to build a regular user interface following the latest trends and requirements in terms of responsivity and versatility. If you’re tired of writing dozens of long code strings, including CSS, Bootstrap will help you by simplifying the process tremendously.

The Importance of a Framework

Developers know that deploying a project was not always as simple as it is today. It used to require hours and hours of work and the programming skills needed were intense. One single mistake could ruin an entire project, so the amount of stress and pressure that was put on the developer’s shoulders was enormous. As a framework, what Bootstrap does isto simplify the process of development, by keeping the code consistent and of high quality. Human mistakes are normal and having a well-tested and proven framework to build on is extremely convenient.

Writing code entirely by yourself remains an option, but it’s the more complicated path to follow.

With a framework, you can:

  • Prevent useless repetition
  • Adapt to different requirements without making drastic changes
  • Be consistent with your code
  • Prototype new designs quicker and easier than ever
  • Make use of cross-browser compatibility

Why Bootstrap?

So, frameworks are cool, but what makes Bootstrap a good choice? Well, since its appearance in 2011, Bootstrap instantly gained the recognition of web designers and developers for how flexible Bootstrap is and how easy it is to work with. If this doesn’t convince you to give Bootstrap a try, take into account that it has generous browser compatibility, you can re-use components quickly, and it has built-in support for jQuery. Bootstrap can be used with an IDE or editor of your choice, and it can be used alongside server-side languages ranging from ASP.NET to PHP or even Ruby.

But why do software engineers choose Bootstrap over other frameworks? The reasons are diverse. The main one is that it’s easier to master Bootstrap because of its intuitive design. The grid system does make a difference, while the numerous re-usable components make everything more convenient and flexible for a developer. The support for plugins extends the capabilities of this framework even more. Here is a more in-depth look at the benefits of Bootstrap:

It is a time-saver

Using Bootstrap is convenient because it can save a lot of time. It speeds up the development process hugely, while still maintaining the level of quality and consistency that every programmer strives for. When Bootstrap is used, developers don’t need to re-design specific elements to fit the needs across browsers, devices, or platforms or spend hours and hours trying to figure out where a mistake is present. Most of the hard work isn’t handled by developers anymore, but by Bootstrap itself.

By using Bootstrap, even back-end developers can come up with responsive front-ends, without investing time in understanding HTML and CSS. Bootstrap can be applied to a static site, a PHP site, a CMS — anything. Its flexibility is the feature that helps with saving time and avoiding making too many modifications. Moreover, you can download it from GitHub in a few minutes and start working right away.

Bootstrap has a responsive grid

Instead of spending hours to code your own grid, Bootstrap comes with one included. Say goodbye to wasted time by using the predefined grid system and start filling the containers with content of your choice. With Bootstrap, you can also define your custom breakpoints for each column and determine how big they want to be or stick to the default settings. Either way, it’s simpler and faster with a grid.

Image resizing

One of the time-consuming processes that developers are confronted with when they work on a project is resizing images. To make a site responsive, you need to reduce the load times, and images are the main cause of slow load times. Luckily, Bootstrap comes with its own code for resizing images automatically, using predefined CSS rules and adding a new class to the images.

Browser friendliness

In today’s world, people use all sorts of devices, platforms, and browsers, depending on their preferences. This is another aspect that makes Bootstrap convenient. It is compatible with most browsers and it helps with building scalable websites and apps that work everywhere.

